The SmartDashboard is now packaged with the C++ and Java language updates and can be launched directly from the Driver Station by selecting the Java or C++ buttons on the Setup tab. To display some data on the dashboard, simply call one of the SmartDashboard methods with the data and its name and the value will automatically appear on the dashboard screen.
And with all these options, it is still extremely simple to use. The displayed data is automatically formatted in real-time as the data is sent from the robot, but you can change the format or the display widget types and then save the new screen layouts to be used again later. Allows you to choose startup options on the dashboard that can be read by the robot program.Displays buttons that you can press to cause variables to be set on your robot.Displays the state of the robot program such as the currently executing commands and the status of any subsystems.It can be displayed as simple text fields or more elaborately in many other display types like graphs, dials, etc. Displays robot data of your choice while the program is running.The SmartDashboard helps you with these things: The SmartDashboard is a Java program that will display robot data in real time.